Lucas Palazzi

Software Developer @ XYZ Digital

Lucas in a kayak

about me

I am a software developer based in Windsor, Ontario. I work for XYZ Digital, where I contribute to a variety of web-based software projects.

what interests me

I am primarily interested in how software can be used to improve cities, enhance the democratic process, and facilitate better public engagement in communities. I also have interests in city-building, urbanism, and politics, and am always looking for opportunities to intersect these areas with my work.

things i've worked on

  • SafeCycle, a bike route planning tool and navigation app (co-founder and developer)
  • Kaizen, a music platform for artists to release their music early and update it over time
  • Engram, a deployment tool for web apps
  • Dubsado, a web-based business management tool for entrepeneurs

contact me

You can contact me via email at